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不完全な翻訳 この記事またはセクションはまだ完全に日本語に翻訳されていません。あなたがこのテキストを編集して、記事の作成をサポートしてくれることを歓迎します。 |
“ | “はやく「採掘場」に行こう。遅刻したら、またお給料を引かれちゃう…” |
ジョンの家を出て、ポットクロック島 を西へ行くと採掘場に入ることができます。
“ | “「採掘場」をナメクジの襲撃から救おう。” |
“ | “「サニーサイド農場」のメイソンさんにジョンのフライパンを修理してもらおう。あれがないと晩ごはんがつくれない!” |
“ | “修理をしたらフライパンがパワーアップした。早く晩ごはんを食べよう!” |
“ | “危険な仕事、激しい戦闘、そしてわずかな給料。それが採掘者ジョンの日常だ。たまには良い知らせもある。珊が明日から学校に通えるというのもそのひとつだ。” |
“ | “Today's my first day of school. Let's hurry so I'm not late.” |
“ | “I need a reference letter from the mayor so I can go to school.” |
“ | “Thanks to Chuck, we got the reference letter. Back to school then!” |
“ | “There's still a long time before school gets out. Go kill some time around town.” |
“ | “Looks like Sam's gotten into some trouble at school.” |
“ | “Daniel's fallen into the tunnel beneath the school.” |
“ | “Another exciting day! Head back and make dinner for those growling tums.” |
“ | “小学校での初日がぶじに終わった。地下の洞窟からダニエルを助けることもできた。なぜだろう…ジョンに見つけてもらったときのことを思い出した。
ダニエルと仲良しになれるといいな。” |
“ | “It's open house at the school today, which means John can go, too.” |
“ | “Sam's run into the Forbidden Land! Find her before something terrible happens.” |
“ | “Hurry! Find the exit! Go, Sam! Go!” |
“ | “Quick! Find the gel for John!” |
“ | “Hurry home. John needs that gel—and fast!” |
“ | “珊が授業参観日に騒動を起こした。ジョンは「禁断の地」で彼女を見つけたが、魔物に大怪我を負わされ、さらに困ったことに、意地の悪い町長によって投獄されてしまった。” |
“ | “One cave after another. Maybe this is our chance to escape!” |
“ | “牢屋から脱出できたけど、町長の怒りからは逃げられなかった。でも「カロン」は町長が言うような、こわいものじゃなかった。わたしたちはポットクロック島を離れて、これから地上の世界を冒険するんだ!” |
“ | “Whitewhale Bay doesn't look that dangerous. Let's go check it out.” |
“ | “Uva said there's an old cabin outside town we can stay in.” |
“ | “Seems the Blimpig Ranch is short on hands. We can find it near the entrance to the Strange Forest.” |
“ | “Uva's already finished making dinner. Let's get back to Greenberg.” |
“ | “地上に出て1日目、わたしたちは「グリーンバーグ」という村にきた。どこかの町長と違って、ここの「長老」はすごくいいひとだ。やさしいユヴァとも出会った。村の人はみんな、あたたかく迎えてくれた。” |
“ | “Chase the rascally fence-breaking scoundrel and teach him a lesson.” |
“ | “A strange facility deep in the Strange Forest. Let's get out of here quick—this place gives me the creeps!” |
“ | “With everything wrapped up, all that's left is to enjoy the night's party!” |
“ | “わたしたちは「養豚場」の柵を破壊した犯人は突き止めた。「グリーンバーグ」の用心棒になった気分!
森のへんてこな建物に迷いこんだときはゾワッとしたけど、夜のすてきな宴でそんなことも吹き飛んだ!” |
“ | “Head to the station—quick! It's the only way out.” |
“ | “「タタリ」が「グリーンバーグ」を呑み込み、ジョンと珊は再び旅を続けることになった。” |
“ | “I've never seen such a big city! It's probably full of all kinds of challenges and opportunities.” |
“ | “Seems Alva's Lab is currently looking for lab assistants. Why not check it out?” |
“ | “Our first mission from Alva—to retrieve a slime-breeding furnace from Oldtown.” |
“ | “The station outside town is swarming with monsters. Take them out!” |
“ | “The path to Oldtown has been opened up. Time to find that slime-breeding furnace.” |
“ | “Mission accomplished! Report back to Alva with the slime-breeding furnace.” |
“ | “ダム城についてすぐに、いい仕事が見つかった。「アルヴァ研究所」の仕事はわたしたちにピッタリ。しかもアルヴァが可愛い靴をプレゼントしてくれた!” |
“ | “Go check out the Coin Palace. It seems like a fun place.” |
“ | “It's time to eat, and Sam's not back yet. Hopefully she's okay.” |
“ | “The Coin Palace is such a fun place, it almost made me forget about dinner!” |
“ | “「銭屋」は楽しかったし、リーとお友達になった。面白いおじさんなのに、みんなリーのことが怖いみたい。へんなの。” |
“ | “Today's recipe calls for glazy berries. But to get some, we'll have to visit Hillman's Ranch outside town.” |
“ | “Glazy berries in hand, all that's left is to head back to the Rocket Mansion and show Lee up!” |
“ | “「ガラスの実」作戦は失敗したけど、まだ勝負は終わってない。次こそリーをギャフンと言わせてやろう!” |
“ | “The famous King Krabs are back in stock. Better go place an order!” |
“ | “Once we buy King Krabs, we can start cooking.” |
“ | “The King Krabs have run away! Nab them before they get away for good.” |
“ | “The troupe's in trouble! We can't just stand by and watch this happen, can we?” |
“ | “サーカス団は手伝えたのはいいけれど、「ダム蟹鍋」は大失敗。勝利のチャンスはあと1回しかない。” |
“ | “Meet William and Daniel at the "Big" Station.” |
“ | “Quake Valley is to the east at the far end of the junkyard.” |
“ | “Find the Temblor Fish and we find the Golden Valley Snapper.” |
“ | “This is our last chance! Back to the Rocket Mansion to face off against Lee.” |
“ | “リーは「友情の味がする」って言ってた。その言葉の意味…なんとなくわかる気がする。” |
“ | “If we don't have anything else to do, let's meet up with Alva and Isabel at the hot springs outside the city.” |
“ | “ダム城に来てからは毎日が冒険。「アルヴァ研究所」で働いて、リーとの賭けに勝って…ポットクロック島のお友達に教えてあげたい!けどそれ以上に、このダム城でずっと暮らしたい!” |
“ | “The MIASMA is attacking New Dam City! Alva needs our help in the control room.” |
“ | “The Wind God is about to activate! Our mission is to make sure everyone in New Dam City gets evacuated to the Coin Palace. Let's head there for more info.” |
“ | “There are people missing from the Coin Palace. Jasper's still in the park!” |
“ | “Go to the Coin Palace to ask the citizens of New Dam City for information.” |
“ | “Someone saw the two brothers at the Dragon Market. Go check it out!” |
“ | “The Wind God will be activated soon. Hurry back to the control room.” |
“ | “「タタリ」なんて怖くない!アルヴァとイザベルもいるし、リーもいるし、風神もいる。みんなで力を合わせて、ダム城を守り抜いた!” |
“ | “John created some curry for lunch. Go deliver it to Alva and Isabel in the control room.” |
“ | “The MIASMA's back! And Alva needs our help. Let's get to the control room.” |
“ | “「風神」がソロモンに壊されちゃった。どうにか再起動させたけど、アルヴァが…” |
“ | “The MIASMA may have left, but the monsters remain. Someone's trapped in Lowtown.” |
“ | “How could I have let myself sleep this long?! John's already left! He probably needs my help.” |
“ | “Those two brothers have gotten themselves in trouble again. This time, they're trapped inside the dam.” |
“ | “あの人はぜんぶわたしが原因だと言ってた。彼女を倒したけど、なにも変わらなかった。アルヴァとイザベルも姿が見えないし…” |
“ | “わたしたちはまた旅に出た。こんどはウィリアムとダニエルも一緒だ。なんとしてもアルヴァとイザベルをさがしたすぞ!” |
“ | “The Iron Carbine has gotten itself stuck in some fog. Perhaps there's a clue for how to get out aboard this train. Might as well look while the Iron Carbine's being fixed.” |
“ | “The monkeys ask John to be in their movie. As payment, they've offered to give us their rocket.” |
“ | “The rocket is in the storage car up ahead.” |
“ | “Turns out the Rocket Knight's rocket was nothing more than a piece of the set. It's already pretty late, so let's go find the producer and get some rest. We'll come up with a plan tomorrow.” |
“ | “わたしたちはふしぎな霧に閉じ込められて、たくさんのサルが乗る列車にたどり着いた。「未来」へ行くための手掛かり、この「ウキウッド」に隠されてるはずだ。” |
“ | “Another Solomon appeared, and he locked us up with the monkeys. Before we'll be able to take him on, we'll need to find our weapons.” |
“ | “It's time to take down Solomon!” |
“ | “Isabel's rocket is somewhere here in Monkollywood. If we find it, we should be able to blast through the fog.” |
“ | “ダニエルが「アイアンカービン号」にイザベルのロケットを取り付けた。これで「未来」とアルヴァたちに一歩近づいた!” |
“ | “One second, we're in Ester City. And the next? We've been whisked away to the Island of Time!” |
“ | “We've somehow become delivery people for Cap'n Pam, and now we need to deliver letters to people in Ester City.” |
“ | “We've finished making all the deliveries! Let's head back to the dock for our reward.” |
“ | “ついに「未来」に到着…したと思ったら、なぜか配達係になってた。ダニエルは手術ができなくて困ってる。イザベルをさがす前に、ダニエルを助けてあげよう!” |
“ | “We've returned to the Island of Time. This time we're definitely going to figure out what's going on!” |
“ | “It seems we're in some kind of cycle—we still need to deliver the same letters to the same people of Ester City.” |
“ | “It seems Floyd at the graveyard has the emotion chip that Daniel needs for his operation. Hopefully Cap'n Pam will take us back to the Island of Time!” |
“ | “「未来」はぜったいにおかしい!でもなにがおかしいのか、まだわからない。
ダニエルの手術を成功させる方法はわかったから、それはうれしい!” |
“ | “We're back on the Island of Time again! At any rate, let's see if we can get Floyd to give us that emotion chip.” |
“ | “Let's get that emotion chip over to Red Rocket Repair so Daniel can have his operation.” |
“ | “Daniel's operation is over, but we've still got other deliveries to make before we're done.” |
“ | “Everything seems to be done for now, so let's head back to the dock. Cap'n Pam seemed like he had something else for us to do.” |
“ | “Looks like there's one last letter to deliver—this time to Ivan at the Ester Hotel.” |
“ | “やっとイザベルの行方をつかんだ!
正確にはイザベルの映像だけど…あと少しで本物のイザベルに会えるかもしれない!” |
“ | “To find out more about Isabel, it looks like we'll need to go find a man named Thomas on the Island of Time.” |
“ | “Thomas will wait for us back at the dock. Then, it's back to Ester City!” |
“ | “More letters to deliver! Hopefully, after we're done, we'll finally learn something about Isabel.” |
“ | “Let's head back to the dock and find Thomas.” |
“ | “Seems Cap'n Pam and Thomas have already left for the Eternal Tower. They must have found something!” |
“ | “Isabel must have left other messages around Ester City. Let's use the Sonic Punk to find them!” |
“ | “Back to the Island of Time! Where the final clue awaits!” |
“ | “The Flame of Time just has to be in Solomon's grave.” |
“ | “イザベルが残した手がかりのおかげで、「時の火種」が見つかった。あとは「永遠の塔」に入るだけだ!” |
“ | “Use the Flame of Time to enter the Eternal Tower.” |
“ | “Alva and Isabel must be at the top of the tower. Let's go!” |
“ | “The time field's been deactivated, revealing the true Ester City... We still need to get to the top of the Eternal Tower.” |
“ | “アルヴァもイザベルも、ここにはいなかった。見つかったのは「カロン」だけ。ダニエルも壊されたし、わたしもあの人に乗っ取られちゃった…” |
“ | “Sam. Save Sam.” |
“ | “これが最後の戦い。すべてを終わらせよう!” |