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Katzeusによって最後に編集されました 2021-09-23 02:19:02.

Bosses are powerful enemies which have specialized encounters. These fights are unescapable once started, and there's accompanying 'Boss Fight' music which plays. After defeating a boss there's victory music and John will raise his fist in a celebration pose.

Almost all boss encounters award a heart container when completed.


Mini Bosses are similar to boss fights, they have a separate track of music when played than boss fights, and unlike boss fights do not award a heart container when completed.

Monster Name Description Location Strategy
SAP Bomber Chapter 2
SAP Bomber (2) Chapter 3
Crawling Tar (3) Fighting Jasper New Dam City, Chapter 4
Crawling Tar (3) Fighting Armstrong New Dam Market, Chapter 4
Crawling Tar (3) Fighting Silva Outside New Dam, Chapter 4
Crawling Tar, Goliath Tar Inside the Dam, Chapter 4
SAP Bomber Inside the Dam, Chapter 4
Crawling Tar, Winged Tar Lowtown tunnels, Chapter 5
Burrowing Cabaflies Lowtown tunnels, Chapter 5 They burrow underground, hit them when they come up - and stun bubble if necessary
Froggie Doubles Film set , Scene 18, Chapter 6 They'll appear in a puff of smoke, and must be fired at.
Froggie Doubles, Amphibmobile Film set, Scene 19, Chapter 6 Races at the player, must be avoided and fired at
Froggie Doubles, Peeleater Film set, Scene 21, Chapter 6 They'll appear in a puff of smoke, and must be fired at.
Froggie Double, Frog Boss (Unnamed) Film set, Scene 30, Chapter 6 They'll appear in a puff of smoke, and must be fired at. When the monster appears avoid stars and the monster rushing, and fire at it
Burrowing Cabaflies ???, Chapter 7 they burrow underground, hit them when they come up - and stun bubble if necessary
Hellhound (2) Island of Time, Chapter 7 Avoid orbs and attack when stationary
SAP Guard Eternal Tower, Chapter 7 Stun bubble and then attack them
Skellhounds Eternal Tower, Chapter 7 Avoid orbs and attack when stationary
Skellhounds, Daggerfish Eternal Tower, Chapter 7
Skellhounds, Daggerfish Eternal Tower, Chapter 7
Giant Matango Eternal Tower, Chapter 8
Giant Matango Eternal Tower, Chapter 8


Image Name Fight Description Location Strategy
The Hand.png
The Hand The Hand is a large robot which chases the player through a hallway, breaking things and firing bullets as it charges. It also has a vacuum arm attack where it sucks the player toward it. Ancient Ruins, Chapter 1 Wait until the vacuum arm attack begins, then drop a bomb to be sucked up. Once it detonates hit the 'eye' of the robot while it's stunned.
Pot Crab King.png
Pot Crab King A grant crab, that hides in caves and chases in a circular path. Spawns smaller crabs. Secret Path, Behind Mayor's Estate, Chapter 1 Hit the switches on each corner of the square in the center to trigger steam vents. These will stun the Crab, and you can strike it with your frying pan.
Tremblor Fish.png
Tremblor Fish Tunnels underground and makes rocks and forklifts drop. Chapter 3 Drop bombs to make it rise above ground, then attack it when the head appears.
Fist of Courage.png
Fist of Courage Dam Control Room, Chapter 4 Hit it with your pan until it falls of the ledge. Kill enemies as they appear. Eventually it will lose it's arms and start firing eye lazers. During this phase hit it with Sam's bubble to stun, then rush in with John to attack.
Infected Behemoth.png
Infected Behemoth Lowtown Tunnels, Chapter 5 Avoid charging boss and don't stand in MIASMA puddles, charge Sam's energy bubble and strike it at full power.

Note: Defeating this boss does not award a heart container.

Panzer of Power.png
Panzer of Power Film Set, Chapter 6 Avoid the rushing boss, and fire at it and attack it when it stops.
Eye of Wisdom.png
Eye of Wisdom Eternal Tower, Chapter 7 Energy bubble, then attack when it lands on the platform.
Charon Charon, Chapter 8