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Katzeusによって最後に編集されました 2021-10-04 17:01:07.

There are a total of thirty achievements that can be awarded in Eastward.[1] Thirteen of these achievements are hidden until they are earned.

These achievements are unlockable in Steam, and also can be viewed in-game inside the game's system menu on other platforms. Inside the game there is more detailed tracking, indicating progress toward partially earned achievements.

Achievements List

Icon Name Description Visibility Missable Notes
Achievement True Lies.jpg ほんとうの嘘 第1章をクリアする。 Hidden until unlocked Unmissable Unlocked by completing the story
Achievement Nightmare.jpg 悪夢 第2章をクリアする。 Hidden until unlocked Unmissable Unlocked by completing the story
Achievement Dream Come True.jpg 美しき夢 第3章をクリアする。 Hidden until unlocked Unmissable Unlocked by completing the story
Achievement King of Darkness.jpg 暗黒の王 第4章をクリアする。 Hidden until unlocked Unmissable Unlocked by completing the story
Achievement The Knight Departs.jpg 騎士の出奔 第5章をクリアする。 Hidden until unlocked Unmissable Unlocked by completing the story
Achievement Monkollywood.jpg ウキウッド 第6章をクリアする。 Hidden until unlocked Unmissable Unlocked by completing the story
Achievement End of the Endless.jpg 永遠の終わり 第7章をクリアする。 Hidden until unlocked Unmissable Unlocked by completing the story
Achievement A New Beginning.jpg 新たな始まり ゲームをクリアする。 Hidden until unlocked Unmissable Unlocked by completing the story
Achievement Stoned to Death.jpg ナイスショット 地面に置かれたオブジェクトを弾いてを倒す。 Hidden until unlocked Use John's charged swing to knock a stone into a weak enemy and defeat them.
Achievement No I in Team.jpg あうんの呼吸 珊が動きを封じたを倒す。 Hidden until unlocked Stun an enemy using Sam's Energy Bubble ability, then defeat it using John while it is stunned.
Achievement Treasure Hunter.jpg トレジャーハンター すべての宝箱を開く。 Collect every treasure chest in the game
Achievement Nutrient Fortified.jpg 健康優良児 体力の上限を最大にする。 Collect every heart upgrade available. There are a total of 20 hearts once all upgrades are unlocked.
Achievement Armed to the Teeth.jpg 全身武装 すべての武器レベルを上限までアップグレードする。 Purchase weapon upgrades from merchants for the Cog Shooter, Specter of Flame, and Bang Bang Gun. The Frying pan upgrades are unlocked through the story and can't be missed. Purchasing upgrades requires Gear Parts and Advanced Gear Parts - to unlock this and all weapon capacity upgrades all of these resources in game must be found in treasure chests.
Achievement Another Story.jpg アナザーストーリー 大地の子」で魔王を倒す。 Defeat the Demon King in the first playthrough of Earth Born.
Achievement Earth Born.jpg 大地の子 大地の子」の真エンディングに到達する Hidden until unlocked Defeat the True Demon King in the second playthrough of Earth Born.
Achievement Pixball Newbie.jpg ピクスボール初心者 はじめてピクスボールを手に入れる。 Unmissable Unlocked by completing the story
Achievement Pixball Collector.jpg ピクスボール・コレクター すべてのレアリティのピクスボールを集める。 Collect all 20 Pixball monsters. 15 can be collected by chance anytime from token machines, Fat Dragon is awarded in the story, and Sea Dragon, Bone Dragon, Azure Dragon, and Pixel King will only appear in machines after beating Earth Born for the first time.
Achievement Pixball Master.jpg ピクスボール・マスター 全種類のピクスボールを集める。 Collect all Pixball monsters and their alternate skins. 30 can be collected by chance anytime from token machines, Fat Dragon is awarded in the story, and Sea Dragon, Bone Dragon, Azure Dragon, and Pixel King (and their/Fat Dragon's alternate forms) will only appear in machines after beating Earth Born for the first time.
Achievement Jack of all Trades.jpg 何でも屋 ジョンが5種類の職業をすべて経験する。 Hidden until unlocked Unmissable Unlocked by completing the story
Achievement Salty Stinking Rich.jpg 虫を倒して塩あつめ ソルトバグからお金を1000を集める。 Collect 1,000 Salt (cumulatively) from Salt Bugs. Use Sam's Energy Bubble ability to stun the bug, and each time it is stunned it drops some salt. Leaving an area and re-entering will respawn the bug, so it can be farmed by leaving/reentering an area.
Achievement A Person with Heart.jpg ハートウォーミング ダム城の住民から体力の「ハート」をもらう。 Hidden until unlocked Collect all three heart upgrades available in chapter 3 in New Dam City. These are unlocked by completing three side questlines - finding all Mimi's statues, each of Bud's trash can hiding places, and preparing Dwayne's fitness recipes.
Achievement Ear Lender.jpg 聞き上手 50名のキャラクターと会話をする。 Speak to 50 different NPCs by speaking to every character encountered
Achievement Social Butterfly.jpg 社交家 100名のキャラクターと会話をする Speak to 100 different NPCs by speaking to every character encountered
Achievement Naturally Gifted.jpg 天賦の才 珊の能力をすべて習得する。 Unlock all of Sam's special abilities. There are a total of four - two are unlocked through the story, and there are two other abilities (Regeneration & Shielding) in Chapter 3 which can be missed.
Achievement Chef-in-Training.jpg 見習いシェフ はじめて料理をする。 Unmissable Unlocked by completing the story
Achievement Five-Star Chef.jpg 5つ星シェフ すべてのレシピを手に入れる。 Unlock every every recipe in the game by cooking it and adding it to the recipe menu.
Achievement Fat and Happy.jpg 食いしん坊 すべての料理を食べる。 Collect or purchase every food itme in the game and consume it. A number of foods can be missed if not purchased in earlier chapters.
Achievement Human Refrigerator.jpg 食材図鑑 すべての食材を集める。 Collect or purchase every ingredient in the game. A number of ingredients can be missed if not purchased in earlier chapters.
Achievement Prepared for Anything.jpg 準備万端 弾薬と爆弾の容量を上限までアップグレードする。 Purchase capacity upgrades from merchants for the bomb and ammo boxes. This requires Gear Parts and Advanced Gear Parts - to unlock this and all weapon upgrades all of these resources in game must be found in treasure chests.
Achievement Monster Pack.jpg マックスパック リュックの容量を上限までアップグレードする。 Purchase capacity upgrades from merchants. Upgrades are available for salt from merchants through the story, and if missed they can be purchased from later merchants.
