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Katzeusによって最後に編集されました 2021-09-22 00:54:54.

Stats are attributes which can influence the health, strength, and other attributes of Sam and John.

Most stats are provided by consuming foods. Food can have the stats applied enhanced through cooking.


Icon Stat Description Source
Health Icon.png Health Restores hearts Food, Defeating Bosses
45x Armor Increases hearts Food
Energy Icon.png Energy Restores Energy Food
Attack Icon.png Attack Increases attack Food, Cooking using Lava Candy.png 溶岩糖
Cost Icon.png Cost Reduces cost Food, Cooking using Fire Mint.png ファイアミント
Defense Icon.png Defense Increases defense Food, Cooking using Steam Peppercorn.png 蒸気胡椒
Speed Icon.png Speed Boosts attack speed Food, Cooking using Electric Chili Sauce.png 電気唐辛子タレ